
How to Prepare Your Flock for Molt

How to Prepare Your Flock for Molt

It’s hard to imagine that dreaded time of year is almost upon us, you guessed it, molt. Even though molt is a very natural process for poultry, it doesn’t make it any easier as a flock owner. Fortunately, there are ways to prepare for the less-favorable chicken molting season. Be proactive – Supplemental light, especially in the winter months, is a great consideration for your flock. Hens 18 months or older can benefit from this practice, and it can possibly lessen the extreme experiences of molt. Feed adjustments – Now is the time to dial up the protein and cut...

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The Importance of Selecting Quality Hay

The Importance of Selecting Quality Hay

Whether you have horses, cattle, sheep, goats or other livestock, good quality hay is an essential part of their diet, and it is important to choose only the best hay to feed your animals. Why Good Hay Matters Depending on the animal, hay can make up 50 percent or more of its daily diet, and in winter, most grazing animals consume even more hay because their access to adequate pasture is restricted. The nutrition from hay is vital to keep the animal healthy, and to protect its digestive health. Poor quality hay could lead not only to digestive trouble, but...

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Managing Mineral Intake

Managing Mineral Intake

Minerals are an important part of the total ration for cows and calves. They are necessary for reproduction, health, growth and milk production. In most areas, minerals are not adequate in the forage or concentrate and must be provided. Many times, that is in the form of a free-choice product in a mineral feeder. It’s a common thought that cows will regulate themselves on mineral and will eat the amount they need, but there are so many factors impacting intake that you can’t depend on the cow to balance her own needs. Two factors that can be easily adjusted are...

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Strategies for Feeding Show Animals

Strategies for Feeding Show Animals

A good diet is essential for the highest quality show animals, no matter what type of livestock you hope to exhibit. Balanced nutrition and proper feed will not only keep valuable show animals healthy, but will also ensure their coat is in great condition, their eyes bright and their energy levels suitable, keeping them in peak condition to do their very best in any competition. To properly feed your show animals… Check Ingredients: Be sure the feed you choose has the proper ingredients your animal needs. Avoid feed that has excessive fillers and instead opt for foods that will promote...

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Keeping Chickens Cool: Help Your Chickens Beat the Heat

Keeping Chickens Cool: Help Your Chickens Beat the Heat

Summer is officially upon us! This crowd-favorite season means outdoor activities galore, and with some easy planning for us humans, we can manage the heat with cooler, lighter clothing, hydration and shade…but what about our feathered friends? Here’s what to do when keeping chickens cool? When cold, chickens (and many birds) are the ultimate in resourceful heating. They fluff up their feathers, which traps air between the layers, creating an instant downy coat. In summer, there’s no way to strip down – and molt won’t happen until daylight decreases in the fall months. Because chickens cannot sweat, it makes them...

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